Saturday, May 24, 2014

No More Tears to Cry

More than a month ago.

On a cold day like today.

And yet, I remember it like it was yesterday

In the day of the Titanic and before the days of hope

Came the disastrous ferry accident.


People say we must be hurt for us to grow

We must fall in order to know

We must lose in order to gain and sometimes

We must be broken so we can be whole again.


But this is nothing like what we say or imagine.

Not just love

But more than love.

As a family

We fight and scream and do all sorts of stupid things

But we know love.


But when you see the grieving families

And when you feel the hopeless families

As they rush to the sea

Only to see a capsized ship,

Tears run down your cheeks

Until there are no tears to cry.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


White and pink

The blossoms unfold.

Their scent drifting like coloured mist.

The green will never be so green again

So pure and natural,

The first lilies of March

Defining Life

Life is the sum of experiences

That we encounter as we plod through

Day-to-day struggles.

Yet, triumphs swirl our lives

Like ascending birds

High above the landscape.

When we encounter a challenge

We have freedom to react.

Every decision that we make

Leads us down a different road-

Changes us in ways that we do know

We will never revisit the exact, same crossroads.

Every decision that we make has significance:

The tiniest choices reverberate throughout the entire universe

The tiniest choices draw the lines of our road of life.



Two destinies diverge into the dark

Nothing to be seen or predicted

Gone all this way only to find a dilemma,

I step back and look behind as far as I can

Into the past, I look

Only to find the foolish mistakes fracturing my future.

I look back, hopeless

With an urge that cannot be cured

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind Enemy Lines

Behind the enemy lines

For what seems like an eternity

Away from hope, light, and dreams

I see myself playing in the snow

Placing a carrot on the snowman’s head


Making snow angels

I see myself across the frozen pond

With an ice cream

As round as my face

I see myself with a family

I see myself with hope, light, and

What seems like a dream.

But I am behind the enemy lines

And there are no snowmen here

Only cold sentinels

And angels are only in heaven.

There is no ice cream in our rations,

And here,

Behind enemy lines,

Family is a dream.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Poems


So much eagerness

Wrapped in


a small, shiny



glazed with value

and dreams


of money

and more money

that will never reach one’s hand




Far up,

I have found the delectable cookies

Hidden on the top shelf

Hidden in plain sight


And which

You were probably


For lunch


I am sorry


But I am fat

After all