Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Some Values Of My Life

Forgiveness- One must know how to forgive the other and that is considered as a value to me

I value forgiveness because it allows us as friends and families to be connected as one.

Responsibility- This is huge; one must be accountable for decisions and actions

Responsibility is a huge value because everyone must do their jobs in order get things organized around the house.

Trust- People should have the tendency to trust you

People should generally find trust very important because it does not become complicated communicating.

Generosity- People should be generous for one another to help develop the society

I have generosity as one of my values because it encourages one another.

Family- The main value of mine is my family because of how much support they give to me everyday

Family is obviously important because they support and very close to me.

Friends- Friends can be influential in good ways (and bad ways); they help me push myself forward

Friends usually help you push yourself further than you were going to.

Appreciation- One must know how to appreciate things for what others have done

People will feel brighter with appreciation which is why it’s an important value to me.

Kindness- This is important because it affects our society as we all must work together to develop

Being kind is gives people a lot of encouragement as well as help.

Respect- One must know how to respect the elders and know where they are (self-determination)

Respect is VERY important when it comes to my family because you must be able to recognize your rights and worth.

Honesty- Demonstrating truthfulness and sincerity is a huge value
Honesty is another good value because it keeps everyone connected to one another.

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